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The SampleStreamer Acquisition DLL is an Aquisition and refinment module of the Hovitron Video Pipeline. The present README explains the utility of such DLL, and how to build and use it with the Hovitron project.

This DLL is targetting Windows OS but is able to compile on Ubuntu.


SampleStreamer and OpenCVStreamer DLL are destined to read dataset with MIV (MPEG Immersive Video) format stored on the disk. Such DLL were developped in the project to serve a debugging purpose and as example for the other Aquisition and refinment modules.

SamplerStreamer is destined to read dataset with yuv format without any conversions while OpenCVStreamer will use the OpenCV library to convert it to RGB format. The code for OpenCVStreamer and the one for SampleStreamer are very similar.

⚠ Warning ⚠ RVSVulkan does not support 10 bit yuv. Therefore if your dataset is using 10 bits yuv (or something other than yuv) the recommanded way to read it is using OpenCVStreamer.dll which is slower to read the dataset unfortunally.

How to build

The SampleStreamer DLL uses the following dependencies:

This code can be use on Windows platform ( 10 and 11 ) and has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


For building this module, Visual Studio with the C++ desktop development kit is the recommended IDE. If you use it, VS is able to support cmake project (more info here) in that case open the folder in VS.

If you prefer to convert the CMakeLists.txt into a .sln you can use CMake (cmake-gui) (installed if you install CMake). Once CMake open, put in the source field the path to the folder containing the top-most CMakeLists.txt.

Before continuing make sure that you have:

If CMake can not locate the OpenCV directory, please specify the path to it using the variable OPENCV_DIR. (Example: C:/Users/Username/Documents/libs/opencv/build). This variable can be set using cmake-gui or CMakeSetting.json file generated by Visual Studio.

If you want to build other modules, please install the libraries needed and set the appropriate variables for these modules.

Now you should be able to build your code: - In VS go to Project > Configure ProjectName then Build > Build all - If cmake-gui was used, select a build folder then press Configure then Generate button. Open the generated .sln with VS and build the project.


Tested for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Before building the project, please enter the following commands to download the different dependencies.

The project necessitates gcc (>= 10) to work. If your distribution doesn't have it, please update it using:

sudo apt install g++-10

Others libraries:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

To install Vulkan (for Ubuntu 20.04, for other versions check: :

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-focal.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vulkan-sdk

Then use the following commands

cmake .


This DLL aims to be used with Hovitron's View Synthesis module. RVSVulkan need the path to the DLL that must be loaded passed as argument. Therefore the command looks like this:

RVSVulkan.exe ../SampleStreamer/SampleStreamer.dll --glfw

In addition to this, the SampleStreamer needs an environment variable HVT_JSON_PATH to be set to the location of a json file containing the settings for this module. In visual studio, this can be easely set using the "env" field of a launch.vs.json file:

Exemple of the content of a launch.vs.json file:

  "version": "0.2.1",
  "defaults": {},
  "configurations": [
        "type": "default",
        "project": "CMakeLists.txt",
        "projectTarget": "",
        "name": "test glfw",
        "args": [
        "env": {
            "HVT_JSON_PATH": "C:\\Users\\Username\\Documents\\dataset\\ULBUnicornV4.json"

The configuration file defined by HVT_JSON_PATH follow the same structure that the one used by the original RVS implementation. The major difference is that it only takes into account fields related to input.

Field Type Description
Version String Indicate the version of the configuration file
InputCameraParameterFile String Path to a json containing the parameters of the reference camera (camera json file)
InputCameraNames List of String Name of the reference cameras
ViewImageNames List of String Paths to the colour images of the camera
DepthMapNames List of String Paths to the colour images of the camera
StartFrame int starting frame
NumberOfFrames int Number of frames

"Precision","VirtualCameraParameterFile", "VirtualCameraNames", "OutputFiles", "Precision", "ColorSpace", "ViewSynthesisMethod", "BlendingMethod", "BlendingFactor" are unused field.

The camera configuration file follow the structure defined across MIV dataset. Here is the list of the elements taken into account by the application:

Field Type Description
Version string Version of the camera file
Content_name string Name of the dataset
Fps Int Number of frame that should be displayed by seconds
Frames_number Int Number of frame present in this dataset
sourceCameraNames list of string list of camera names
cameras list of dict list of the cameras parameters

With each cameras being a dictionnary that contain the following field:

Field Type Description
Name String Name of the camera
Position array of 3 floats Position of the camera
Rotation array of 3 floats Rotation of camera (yaw,pitch,roll) in degrees
Depth_range array of 2 float Near and far value of depth
Resolution array of 2 int Resolution used by this camera
Projection "Perspective"
Type of projection used
Focal (for perspective)
Hor_range (for equirectangular)
Array of 2 int Value for focal length \(f_x\) and \(f_y\)
Visible Horizontal range
Principle_point (for perspective)
Ver_range (for equirectangular)
Array of 2 int
BitDepthColor Int bit depth for the coulour component
BitDepthDepth Int bit depth for the depth map
ColorSpace String Color space used (often "YUV420")
DepthColorSpace String Color space for the depth map (often "YUV420")

Available online datasets

List of some MIV dataset: